How it all started...
On August 18th, 1827, a meeting was held at the courthouse in Darlington for the purpose of constituting a Presbyterian Church The prime mover for organizing the Church was Dr. Murdock McLean of Cheraw. Seventeen members would come from the Hopewell Church in Florence to help start the church. Beginning with the first installed pastor in 1841, William Brearley, the pastors of the church note that there has been a continued work of the Holy Spirit through the ministry and witness of our church in the Darlington community and throughout the world. Hampden Coit Dubose, our first child of the church to become a missionary, was a key leader in ending the Opium Trade in China and establishing a witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Soochow, China. Many others would follow in his steps to bring the light of the Gospel to the Congo, Korea, and Kenya. Gospel ministry through local and global missions has been a major commitment of our church family. Today we support many missionaries throughout the world who carry the Gospel by Word and deed.

Expanding the vision...
In the 1970's and 1980's the church was involved in a lay renewal that called people to faith in Jesus Christ and inspired members to commit to prayer, to witness to others about Jesus Christ, and to transform our community through outreach. In the 1990's, the church started vital ministries that cared for those with the greatest needs in our city. With the leadership of our then Pastor, Olin Whitner and other members, the Lord Cares and the Free Medical Clinic were organized. In the late 2000's, members of the church began the Kid's Clothes Closet located on the square. This ministry provides clothes and school supplies to families who need assistance. Today the church still serves the needs of our community through home repairs and building wheelchair ramps, packing food boxes for those in need, as well as sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ so that people come to know life and life abundantly through Him.
Where we are headed...
By bringing people to Jesus and growing together in Him, we hope to join in the continued work of the Holy Spirit in our community with the following five initiatives:
1. Bring our neighbors, co-workers families, friends, and the stranger to a life changing relationship with Jesus Christ.
2. Reach rising generations with the Gospel that they too may tell of the wonders of God's work.
3. Learn to effectively use todays technology, online and in person, for outreach as well as for discipling our members to grow in their relationship with Christ.
4. Affirm God's design for family by teaching the Biblical understanding of family, strengthening marriages and parents through classes and conferences, and providing resources.
5. Invest resources and our spiritual gifts to help those in need in our community as well as to help our city flourish through the Gospel.
1. Bring our neighbors, co-workers families, friends, and the stranger to a life changing relationship with Jesus Christ.
2. Reach rising generations with the Gospel that they too may tell of the wonders of God's work.
3. Learn to effectively use todays technology, online and in person, for outreach as well as for discipling our members to grow in their relationship with Christ.
4. Affirm God's design for family by teaching the Biblical understanding of family, strengthening marriages and parents through classes and conferences, and providing resources.
5. Invest resources and our spiritual gifts to help those in need in our community as well as to help our city flourish through the Gospel.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 9:30 am and 11 am.